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Monday 21 May 2012

so what if...

so what if the sun goes down,
the moon will rise with its silver crown.
so what if the world goes dark,
the fireflies will light the city's park.
so what if a storm comes running,
listen to the animals signals so cunning.
so what if the life betrays you,
sow the seeds of happiness and enlight a few.
so what if you found no love,
just cherish the life and feed the dove.
so what if your feet goes cold,
warm your heart with memories of old.
so what if the silence disturbs you within,
scream to your lungs and stop hearing.
so what if you breath your last breath,
have gratitude to God to save me from any wrath.


  1. good poem! I like the way you write..

  2. very interesting division into couplets.. :)

    I've a doubt though, shouldn't the last line say, "have gratitude to God to save you from any wrath"..?

    1. it means that even though we breath our last breath in pain and vain we must have faith in Him tht we will pass through all the possible wrath due to His mercy


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